Today, I wanted to complete my script. To accomplish this, I opened up Celtx, which is a scriptwriting and pre-production tool to help create scripts.
The first thing that I was faced with when tackling my script was the title of the film. This topic still lingered on my mind since my last blog, since it is a big part of the film, as it will capture the essence of the entire movie. The movie will be about the now disabled character trying to find his way to back to where he was. Some of the movie titles that I was thinking about were Broken, Track Star, or Back on Track. I think I will most likely go with Back on Track, but I will continue to ponder upon some titles.
I based off my script on my shots list that I created a few days ago. There were some things that I needed to change. I had to change the name of "Character" and "character's friend" to make sense in the script. I changed these to "KIRAN" and "FRIEND," respectively. I didn't know who to cast as the friend in my film yet, so I had to just put friend in there.
As you can see, there's lots of difference as I've added new dialogue and changed the names of the characters.Why would I show you guys a section of the script when you could see the entire script. Here's the actual document that I uploaded onto Google Docs (LINK HERE). If you don't want to open that up, its fine. I'll show you here.
So this is my script. Making a script will be extremely helpful in the production part of this film as it will help me visualize the different sections of the filming process. I now have all the locations set and all the actions planned out. Even if I need to add or remove things, it will be easy to do so. Using a script during the production and filming process will rapidly speed things up as it will help me to set up each action quickly, and it will make the filming process faster in general by giving me the basic overlook on the shots. Even if I don't know what shots to use, I can go look back on my shots list. The script will help my actors understand what they need to do as their roles are capitalized and can be seen easily. Even if they have no prior knowledge of the film, I can just show them the script and they will know their roles.
I still need to get a fixed title as well as find two actors who will be willing to help. The pedestrian won't have a big role and will take probably 10 minutes maximum to film. But the friend will have a significant role, so I will need to plan with someone ahead of time. Well, until next time. See you!
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