Friday, March 24, 2023

Day 2 of Editing

Today, I wanted to complete my video. This meant that I had a lot of work to do to finish today. I have to add more audio, add the title screen, add the shot of me in the "hospital" with the scribbled eyes effect, add a ringtone, add some more clips to make the mountain biking sequence complete, fix audio in some parts, add a heart rate monitor sound, fix the overexposure in some clips, add the credits, and just clean everything up.

First of all, I started out by looking for audio. The audio I needed today was a phone ringtone and a heart rate monitor sound. I wanted to use copyright free sound effects because I can't make a ringtone with Foley, and it would be really hard to make a heart rate monitor with Foley. All of the other sound in my video is original though, excluding the song I chose. I searched on YouTube for copyright free or royalty free sound effects, and I found one for each of the sounds I needed.

With these sound effects, I could input them into the video, but MAKE THEM .WAV before putting them into Premiere Pro. See, I learned my lesson. The sound effects didn't give me any problems. I will still have to sync up the sound effects with the video later, but for now, I just put it into the video in the spot where it is okay. It will be better.

Next is the title. I had asked a couple of my friends on their opinions between the two fonts that I had selected in my research blog for title fonts (Link Here), and I chose the font called "Reisenberg 2.0 Regular". This font was a lot bolder and would create more impact right after the crash happens. 

I downloaded the font file, and I looked into the terms and agreements, and it said that I couldn't change the font in any way if I didn't want to buy the file. Therefore, I could not carry out my idea of changing the C into a track. Anyways, I think it would look better like this, so it's ok. I put the title into its place, and I moved onto the next thing I had to do today.

Next, I had to put the edited file of me in the "hospital" with the scribbled eyes into the film. This was very simple because all I had to do was drag and drop the file into its place.

Then, I looked through the entire project multiple times to see whether the pitches and the volume of all the audio clips were right. I wanted to make sure that you could hear all of the dialogue, but still have the music in the background. I also added more audio of the bike sound effect, but all of the sound effects of the bike were mine. This helped make each scene much more deep and complete. 

As I was watching my film again, I noticed that some of the shots in my room were overexposed as the window in my room showed too much light. This was something that my teacher warned me about. Aw man. I really tried to get the exposure right. Oh well. Time to try to fix it. I researched how to reduce overexposure of videos on Premiere Pro, and I found a video on YouTube explaining how to do it step-by-step.

I watched the video and followed the steps according to what the man said. I went to the Lumetri Color and Lumetri Scopes panel in the Premiere Pro window, and I had to change a lot of things. First, I did some basic color correction by changing the light levels of the highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks.

After this, I went under the Curves tab and changed the Lumetri Color curve. This changed the lights and the darks of the footage to be less intense.

After doing all this, it was still a bit noticeable that it was overexposed, but it was still a little bit better. At least I'm learning more about Premiere Pro and it's functions. Here you can see the difference between the original (left image) and the edited (right image):

Then, I had to create the credits for the video. I think I want to either choose a simple white or black font to do these credits, just like the film examples that I have researched. I need to include the producer, director, writer, cinematographers, editor, and major actors. I wanted to edit it in a new way, so I could learn some new techniques. I remembered a technique that I've seen in many different videos. One where the text appears as something goes across the screen. I looked on YouTube if I could find anything that informed me on how to do this. I found a video explaining exactly what I wanted.

Using this, I was able to make a cool effect in the video that showed one of the credits as I was walking across the screen. I thought this was really cool, and it was probably one of my favorite additions to the video.

Finally, I fixed the sound by syncing it to the video, made some final touches to the video to sync it up to the song, and finalizing the sound levels of all the audio.  Here's what the Premiere Pro file looked like:

The final video is 2 minutes, 1 second, and 55 frames, which is very close to the 2 minute mark. Usually, shots edited in After Effects would appear as red in the image, so why isn't anything red in my file? This is because I created a different file to edit the scribbled eyes scene and the exported it to my real project file. You may ask: what are the pink shots? The pink shots are the credits and the title. I took the font file, made my title, and turned it into a .jpg. I think they're pink because they're not video files, but image files.

I think I did a really good job, and it's been a long way to get to this point. In the beginning, I didn't know where I wanted to go, and I was unsure if I could finish in time, but it looks like I'm doing great. I can't show you my video yet. You'll have to wait. Until next time. See ya!


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Creative Critical Reflection

Well guys. This is it. This is the end of the road: my CCRs. I really would like to thank you for taking the time to read all of these blogs...